Student Communication of COVID-19 Strategy


5 July 2020

Christian Heritage College (CHC) is committed to health and safety and continues to operate within its risk management and Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) frameworks ensuring obligations to provide safe workplaces and work practices are maintained.

All decisions about CHC reopening its campus activities will be made with adherence to guidelines from the Australian Federal and Queensland State Government and Health authorities.

We are able to begin classes, face to face, but it will look a little different.

The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) supports the re-activation of the on campus environment with the following principles:

  • help stop the spread and stay healthy; and
  • stay informed and continue to support physical distancing in accordance with the Australian Government and State/Territory guidelines.

CHC is aware that, in the case of COVID-19, the consequences of the risk and the likelihood of its occurrence are both very high, so the threshold of what activities will be allowed will also likely be very high. The COVID-19 factor will affect the way we present teaching and learning; however, we are committed to providing tools and advice to enable this to continue whether you are studying on campus or online.

As per Government requirements, measures we are putting in place for your safe return to campus include:

  • Social distancing – You will see signage around the place to remind you. There may be floor markings where you need to line up to get into classes. Desks have been set up at least 1.5m apart.
  • Hygiene and cleaning – Rest assured that CHC has a robust cleaning regime and, starting back, we will be asking you to use the hand sanitizer which will be available as you come into class and to use the alcohol wipes in each room to wipe down your desk and chair before you sit down.
  • Returning to class – Please allow a little more time to get into class as everyone will need to stop to sanitize their hands and wipe down their workspaces. Do not come to campus if you are unwell or if you have been around anyone with COVID-19 or who is suspected of having COVID-19. You will enter classes through one door and exit through another in order to avoid face to face contact.
  • Gatherings – At this stage we are not sanctioning small group activities. We will keep you informed with what this looks like but, for the time being, we are just looking to have you all together, to learn. What this means is that you will be coming to class and then going home. We ask you not to congregate outside of classrooms or in the car park.
  • Library – The Library is open. We have all necessary cleaning, hygiene and social distancing measures in place and will ask you to sign in when you first enter the Learning Hub.
  • Student Common Room – The Student Common Room is not open at this stage.

If you have been on campus and have tested positive for COVID-19, you must let us know.

CHC will continue to communicate regularly with you regarding any new measures or the easing of measures.

Please speak to Julie Webster or call 07 3347 7913 if you have any questions about CHC’s COVIDSafe Strategy.