Caitlin Olsen
I have been a sessional lecturer with CHC for a year, and have recently stepped into an associate lecturer role. Before this, I was a school chaplain for three years and worked with Scripture Union Australia for over five years. I have completed a Graduate Diploma of Divinity at Malyon Theological College and I am working towards completion of a Masters of Theological Studies, with a specific focus on equipping churches to provide theologically sound, practically safe discipleship spaces for youth in minorities. I also completed my undergraduate studies in literature and writing, which has proven very helpful for theological study!
After nearly ten years of serving young people in either a volunteer or professional capacity, I am still keenly involved in youth ministry wherever possible, and love any opportunity to involve young people in reading and interpreting scripture for themselves in supportive, believing communities. I love teaching, preaching, and using music to facilitate worship, whether in a church setting, with friends, or independently. I have been known to occupy a coffee shop or similar public setting for far too long either writing or talking theology and culture with friends. I am currently enjoying learning to skateboard and absolutely unnecessary trips to IKEA.
While I grew up in a Christian family, we rarely attended church. I was privileged to go to a school that taught Jesus’ love, but found it difficult to connect into an authentic personal relationship with Jesus while in the institutional environment (not for lack of trying!). I came to really love Jesus in my last year of high school, and chose to make my faith my own by joining a church community independent of my parents and getting baptised there. Since then, God has shown me that His righteousness, forgiveness, and wisdom is greater than my own, and drawn the boundaries in some pleasant (yet occasionally wild!) places through youth ministry, short term missions, chaplaincy, Bible College, joy, heartbreak, love, and fear. God continues to show His great love in the little and the big things, from finding my keys to finding a church home. My prayer is that as we journey this course together, God’s great love in the big, little, and the unknown will become tangible to you in your Human Services practice.