Sue Waltisbuhl
Sue Waltisbuhl lecturers in the School of Education at Christian Heritage College (CHC), Brisbane. Her role also includes Course Coordinator for the Bachelor of Education.
Sue has served extensively as a teacher, middle and senior leader in Christian Schools, beginning her work in state schools (Primary and Special Education) in regional and remote Queensland. Throughout her professional career, Sue has enjoyed collaborating with colleagues as a teaching partner, coach, mentor and curriculum leader.
Believing that Christian Schooling provides a tremendous opportunity to witness the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, Sue has been involved in training programs for Christian Teachers across Queensland and the Solomon Islands.
Sue advocates strongly for life-long learning, encouraging teachers to model their own learning processes to students. She is passionate about coaching teachers to become reflective practitioners, guiding them to implement effective research-based pedagogies, and establish classrooms as positive learning communities. Fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration, Sue seeks to equip teachers with skills to inspire transformation in their students’ lives, and enthusiasm to continue developing their own professional confidence and capacity.
Sue’s professional journey continues to be motivated by the belief that Christian schools can offer educational excellence and encourage positive change for students and the local community.
Her research interests lie in school improvement through teacher-led research and effective professional learning.
Sue and her husband thrive in shared experiences with their 4x adult children and extended hikes in God’s great creation. They worship in a local church, and love to relax on mountaintops and at beachside coffee houses.
- Diploma of Teaching (Special Education and Primary) 1989
- Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) 1994
- Master of Educational Leadership 2021
- Growth Coaching International (Level 1) 2021
- QELI Leadership programs (Coaching, Middle Leader, Deputy Principal) 2012, 2013, 2023
Professional Experience
- Classroom Teaching 1990-2022 (Primary, Secondary, Special Education)
- Head of Special Education Services 2001-2004
- Curriculum Leadership 2012-2018 (P-12)
- Curriculum Consultant – ISQ 2013-2015
- Senior Phase Coordinator 2018-2023 (Yr11/12)
- Director of Teaching and Learning 2018-2023
- Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling – Vol.3, No.1.
- Independence (AHISA) – Vol.47, No.1.
- ACS – Teachers Conference (QLD): Workshop presenter 2014, 2016
- ACS – School Leaders Conference (Qld): Workshop presenter 2016
Waltisbuhl, S. E. (2021). Using data effectively to guide collaborative improvements in classroom pedagogy. (Master Thesis, University of South Australia)
- ES113
- ES116
- ES501
- ES502
- CU621
- ES113
- ES116
- ES501
- ES502
- CU621
College Service
Queensland College of Teachers – Teacher Registration