Regardless of whether you have recently completed secondary education or have vocational education and training (VET) study, higher education study, or work and life experience, the process of applying for admission to CHC will depend on whether your preferred course is an undergraduate course or a postgraduate course, and whether you are a domestic student or an international student.

If you are a domestic student

If you are a domestic student who is applying for an undergraduate course (Diploma and Bachelor) or a Master of Teaching course, you are to submit a QTAC Application.

If you are a domestic student who is applying for a postgraduate course (Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters), except a Master of Teaching course, you are to submit a CHC Direct Entry Application.

If you are a cross-institutional student

If you are currently enrolled at another higher education provider but wish to undertake units at CHC to transfer into your course, you can do this via the Cross-Institutional Enrolment tab above.

If you are an international student

If you are an international student, you are to submit an application for International Students regardless of the course for which you are applying.

If you are an international student who is currently completing Year 12, you may apply through QTAC; however, QTAC will forward your application to CHC to be assessed and, if approved, you will receive your offer from CHC, not from QTAC.

If you are an audit student

If you are interested in undertaking units at CHC for reasons of personal interest and not towards the completion of a course, you can do this via the Application to Audit Units tab above.

Please choose the relevant tab from those displayed above for more information on how to apply for your preferred course.

Please find here mor information regarding additional admission criteria that apply to selected CHC courses.

Please check the Important Dates information on the Documents page of the CHC website.


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

Find out more


For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7900


If you are a domestic student

If you are a domestic student who is applying for an undergraduate course (Diploma and Bachelor) or a Master of Teaching course, you are to submit a QTAC Application.

If you are a domestic student who is applying for a postgraduate course (Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters), except a Master of Teaching course, you are to submit a CHC Direct Entry Application.

If you are a cross-institutional student

If you are currently enrolled at another higher education provider but wish to undertake units at CHC to transfer into your course, you can do this via the Cross-Institutional Enrolment tab above.

If you are an international student

If you are an international student, you are to submit an application for International Students regardless of the course for which you are applying.

If you are an international student who is currently completing Year 12, you may apply through QTAC; however, QTAC will forward your application to CHC to be assessed and, if approved, you will receive your offer from CHC, not from QTAC.

If you are an audit student

If you are interested in undertaking units at CHC for reasons of personal interest and not towards the completion of a course, you can do this via theApplication to Audit Units tab above.

Please choose the relevant tab from those displayed above for more information on how to apply for your preferred course.


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

Find out more


For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954


QTAC is the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre. QTAC manages the receipt and assessment of applications for, and make offers on behalf of, tertiary providers in Queensland.

QTAC applications are required for all undergraduate courses and for the Master of Teaching courses. Applications for these courses must be made via QTAC regardless of whether you are an applicant with recent secondary education, vocational education and training (VET) study, higher education study, or work and life experience.

To apply for a course through QTAC, please go to the Apply here page of the QTAC website. This page contains all of the information you will need to create and submit an application, as well as the documentation that needs to be lodged with an application, the dates that apply to the application and offer process, and how to respond to receiving an offer.

Please see the Important Dates information on the Documents pages of the CHC website for the dates that apply to your enrolment after you have accepted your offer through QTAC.

If you have any questions about submitting an offer through QTAC, you can contact QTAC via any of the means listed on the QTAC Contact Us page or you can email CHC at admissions@chc.edu.au or telephone 07 3347 7915.

Apply Here


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

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For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7915

QTAC Applications

Applications made through QTAC are accepted on a year round basis with CHC student intakes received at start of the year and mid-year. Please refer to the QTAC website for offer dates- http://www.qtac.edu.au

The QTAC website explains how to complete your application correctly and lists the documentation you will require. If you are 21 or older, and don’t qualify for admission based on your formal study, other informal studies, bridging courses or professional experience may apply.


Mature age students should also apply through QTAC. You can lodge your application online at http://www.qtac.edu.au


Current Year 12 students can find all relevant information on the QTAC website and advice will be given by your school on how to lodge your application.


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

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For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954


CHC Direct Entry Applications are required for all postgraduate courses, except the Master of Teaching courses (see QTAC Applications).

To lodge a CHC Direct Entry Application, please go to the ‘Student Application’ on the MyCHC portal.

Please see the Important Dates information on the Documents pages of the CHC website for the dates that apply to applications and enrolment.

Apply Here


Students who have studied at CHC within the past two years and who wish to recommence their course or to transfer to a new course are to apply directly to CHC.

If you need help completing your application form, contact admissions@chc.edu.au or telephone (07) 3347 7954.

Apply Here


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

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For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954


CHC Direct Entry Applications are required for all postgraduate courses (Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Masters courses), except the Master of Teaching courses (see QTAC Applications).

To lodge a CHC Direct Entry Application, please submit an form. To submit this form, you will need to upload certified copies of your prior tertiary education, so please ensure that you have these available at the time of applying as the form cannot be saved for completing at a later date.

Please see the CHC Important Dates 2020 document for the dates that apply to applications and enrolment.


Students who have studied at CHC within the past two years and who wish to recommence their course or to transfer to a new course are to apply directly to CHC.

Apply Here


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

Find out more


For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954



CHC has arrangements with Education Agents in a number of regions to assist prospective onshore international students with the application process, including visa applications, minimum entry requirements and the associated documentation.

Prospective onshore international students who are applying from countries in which CHC has approved Education Agents must apply through those agents. Please see the list of approved CHC Education Agents to determine if you need to apply through an agent.

If your country of origin is not on the list of approved CHC Education Agents, or if you are an existing onshore international student who is already studying in Australia, you can apply directly to CHC for admission.

Please read the following further information for onshore international applicants

Onshore international applicants should consult the CHC Guide for International Applicants. This publication more fully outlines the requirements for studying in Australia on a student visa and the process involved in being offered and accepting a place at CHC.

To apply as an onshore international applicant, please submit an form. To submit this form, you will need to upload certified copies of your prior educational history, your most recent English language proficiency test report and your passport identification page (and current Australian visa, if applicable), so please ensure that you have these available at the time of applying as the form cannot be saved for completing at a later date.

Applications from onshore international applicants are to be submitted by the dates below:

To commence in Semester 1

  • Applying from overseas – (not a current student visa holder) – 1 December
  • Applying from within Australia (current visa holders) – 1 February

To commence in Semester 2

  • Applying from overseas – not a current student visa holder – 1 May.
  • Applying from within Australia (current visa holder) – 1 June.

Applicants should note that student visa applications made to the Department of Home Affairs can take some time to be assessed.

Apply Here


If you are an offshore international student who wants to undertake studies from your home country, you do not need to apply through an Education Agent but can apply directly to CHC for admission.

Please read the following further information for offshore international applicants.

To apply as an offshore international applicant, please submit an online form. To submit this form, you will need to upload certified copies of your prior educational history, your most recent English language proficiency test report and your passport identification page, so please ensure that you have these available at the time of applying as the form cannot be saved for completing at a later date.

Applications from offshore international applicants are to be submitted by the dates below:

To commence in Semester 1

  • 1 January

To commence in Semester 2

  • 1 July
Apply Here


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

Find out more


For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954


If you are an offshore international student who wants to undertake studies from your home country, you do not need to apply through an Education Agent but can apply directly to CHC for admission.

Please read the following further information for offshore international applicants.

Apply Here


CHC has arrangements with Education Agents in a number of regions to assist prospective onshore international students with the application process, including visa applications, minimum entry requirements and the associated documentation.

Prospective onshore international students who are applying from countries in which CHC has approved Education Agents must apply through those agents. Please see the list of approved CHC Education Agents to determine if you need to apply through an agent.

If your country of origin is not on the list of approved CHC Education Agents, or if you are an existing onshore international student who is already studying in Australia, you can apply directly to CHC for admission.

Please read the following further information for onshore international applicants

Apply Here


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

Find out more


For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954


If you are a CHC student

If you are a CHC student and wish to undertake study at another higher education provider (the “host” provider) for credit towards your CHC course, you can do this via cross-institutional enrolment at the host provider. This is permitted in cases where CHC does not offer a unit in the field of study, or in the timeframe, that is needed for your course completion.

To apply for cross-institutional study at a host provider, please submit an Application for Cross-Institutional Enrolment (Form A). This form provides details of the documentation from the host provider that must be submitted with the form, which includes unit outlines and the host provider’s cross-institutional enrolment form.

Applications for cross-institutional study must be received by the following dates:

• For study in Semester 1 – 1 November
• For study in Semester 2 – 1 June

Please be aware that, if you are undertaking a cross-institutional unit in your final semester of study at CHC in Semester 2 of a year, the receipt of results from the host provider cannot be guaranteed to occur in time for CHC’s end-of-year conferral process. This may result in the conferral of your award being delayed until the following mid-year conferral period.

Apply Here

If you are not a CHC student

If you are a student at another higher education provider (the “home” provider) and wish to undertake study at CHC for credit towards your course, you can do this via cross-institutional enrolment at CHC.

To apply for cross-institutional study at CHC, please download and print an Application for Cross-Institutional Enrolment (Form B). This form provides details of the documentation from the home provider that must be submitted with the form and includes a section that must be completed by the relevant officer at the home provider.

Applications for cross-institutional study must be received no later than three weeks prior to the semester in which you wish to undertake study at CHC.

Apply Here


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

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For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954

Cross Institutional Enrolments

This application should be completed if you are currently enrolled in a course of study at CHC and you wish to undertake units of study at another institution (the “host” institution) for credit towards your CHC award. Please complete the Application for Cross-institutional Enrolment Form A click here.

This form is to be accompanied by the host institution’s application form for cross-institutional enrolment, and detailed outlines for each unit to be considered for cross-institutional enrolment. This information is used to determine comparability between the host institution’s units and CHC units.

To apply for cross-institutional enrolment, submit this form, with the relevant documents, by the dates indicated below. Forms which are submitted without the necessary documents will not be processed.

  • To undertake cross-institutional study in Semester 1: November 1 of the previous year
  • To undertake cross-institutional study in Semester 2: June 1 of the same year

Please be aware that if you are undertaking a cross-institutional unit in your final semester of study, CHC cannot guarantee the finalisation of your results from the host institution in time for CHC’s graduation processes. This may result in the conferral of your award being delayed until the following conferral process.


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

Find out more


For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954


If you are interested in undertaking a unit (or units) of study at CHC for reasons of personal interest but do not wish to enrol in or to complete an award course, you can apply to audit a unit (or units).

As an audit student, you are able to attend classes and be involved in learning activities, but you do not have to complete the assessment tasks for the unit. While you will have to access the learning materials for the unit, you will not be able to access the CHC Library or the CHC computers (Library membership is available for a prescribed annual fee).

To apply to audit a unit, please submit an Application to Audit Units form. This form includes information regarding the conditions that apply to the auditing of units and the fees that apply. Audit fees must be paid upon application and are non-refundable.

Apply Here


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

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For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

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For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954


To enrol in a LAUNCH Unit, simply fill out our Online Application Form.

You will need to upload your most recent academic results and a letter of consent from your parents. You may also require a letter of consent from your school (not required for Semester 3 during summer holidays). If you don’t have these documents on hand, feel free to submit your application anyway and we will contact you regarding the documentation we require.

Enquiries about LAUNCH should be directed to: CHC Student Administration

Email address: admissions@chc.edu.au

Phone: 07 3347 7915

Enquiries about LAUNCH Week should be directed to: CHC Launch Week Team

Email address: launchweek@chc.edu.au

Apply Here


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

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For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954


For further help please use the link below and one of our staff will be in touch.

Find out more


For more information contact CHC for information by emailing:

admissions@chc.edu.au or (07) 3347 7954