Tim Costello to lecture in leadership
World Vision Australia CEO, Rev Tim Costello, will be a guest lecturer in CHC’s new postgraduate courses in Social Science leadership. Rev Costello, who will stand down from his position at World Vision shortly to take up the newly created role of “chief advocate”, has agreed to present intensive on-campus lectures in SO542 Leading and Facilitating Strategic Change. The unit forms part of the new Graduate Certificate in Social Science Leadership and Master of Social Science Leadership courses. The Graduate Certificate is ‘nested’ within the Masters course structure, allowing students to transition with full credit if they wish to pursue the Masters qualification.
The new courses have been developed with the Social Science leader in mind and are designed to enhance the leadership skills and practices of leaders, as well as equip leaders to handle the greater responsibility which comes with career advancement in their profession and organisations. There is a focus on team and project management – critical elements for success in social science leadership.
Students will draw on the experience of leaders like Rev Costello who, during his 13-year tenure as CEO of World Vision, saw the organisation’s projects benefit an additional 90 million people. As the leader of Australia’s largest aid and development agency, Costello has many years’ experience in working with government, funding agencies, donors, volunteers and staff in managing the organisation’s 800 development projects around the world.
Students can apply direct to CHC to commence these courses in Semester 1, 2017. Go to www.chc.edu.au/how-to-apply.
Course structures
Graduate Certificate in Social Science Leadership (Course Code SS31)
SO540 Leadership Theory
SO541Leadership Practice
SO542 Leading and Facilitating Strategic Change
SO663 Leading Reflective Practice
Master of Social Science Leadership (Course Code SS54)
SO540 Leadership Theory
SO541 Leadership Practice
SO542 Leading and Facilitating Strategic Change
SO650 Leading Relational Dynamics
SO651 Transformative Social Engagement and Christian Worldview
SO653 Research Methods
SO662 Group Facilitation
SO663 Leading Reflective Practice
SO693 Research Proposal
SO694 Leadership Thesis (30 credit points)